Soda Should Be Banned Essay

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The Ban on Soda

Sodas are the most consumed beverages in the United States of America, the average american will consume forty-four gallons per year. Currently sixty-eight percent of americans are considered obese or over weight in the United States. Although soda is not the main cause for this as well as other health issues but it is a big part of it. The ban on soda is a good thing because it will help decrease obesity americans, it will help decrease bad behavior in children, and it will help decrease depression in teens.

The ban on soda is a good thing because it will help decrease obesity in americans.
There is definitely a major debate on whether soda is a major cause of obesity in a americans, and although soda is not the main cause of obesity it does play a big role in obesity. Size and weight is all balanced by exercise, diet, and health issues. Some people are not able to control their weight simply because of their health issues and others just choose to not follow the right eating or exercising habits. Studies show the sugar fructose in soda does not make you feel full and know when to stop which causes you to drink more sugar than you need too. In a recent study people who added soda to their diet consumed seventeen percent more calories than before. Therefore, drinking soda is easily a cause of obesity and …show more content…

There are many factors when it comes to bad behavior but studies have shown soda is in fact a major factor to bad behavior in children. In a recent study, it showed that children of five years and older who drink soda showed more aggression and trouble paying attention. One of the reasons soda causes this is because a child’s brain is not fully developed and the excitotoxins in soda affect the part of the brain where behavior develops. Now that you know that soda has been proven to cause behavioral problems in children, would you continue to give your child

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