Socrates: What Makes A Person Interesting?

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What makes a person intriguing? An intriguing person could be both appealing and provocative. Compelling people like this often challenge certain beliefs that are widely accepted by the general public. People become intriguing, “By virtue of their character, how they reached their decision, how they behaved under pressure or because of the remarkable circumstances surrounding the event they are involved in.” (Kentala) Oftentimes, when impugning these beliefs, people become aggressive and defensive of their beliefs. People like this have to have much courage to stand out from the general public knowing that his actions will provoke aggressive behavior towards him. There have been many intriguing people in our world’s history, such as Aristotle, Charles Darwin, and much more. Perhaps the most intriguing person in our known history would be Socrates for many reasons. …show more content…

One example of this would be when the Oracle at Delphi stated that Socrates was the wisest man on the earth. Plato’s Apology explains, “Well, one he [Chaerephon] went to Delphi and dared to ask this question of the oracle-don’t make an uproar, gentlemen, at what I say- for he asked if anyone was wiser than I was. The priestess answered, then, that no one was wiser.” Socrates set out to prove this statement wrong because, “I know in my conscience that I am not wise in anything, great or small.” Socrates ended up coming to the conclusion that he is the wisest because he knows that he knows nothing. When interpreting this, August West states, “ No matter how much you know, there is a nearly infinite amount of stuff that you don't know.” West is implying that Socrates meant that no matter how much he knew, there is still an endless amount of obtainable

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