Socioeconomic Status Affect A Parent's Income?

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How does someone’s socioeconomic status affect his or her future income?
The most important thing to a parent is their child or children. As a parent you should want your children to excel and provide them with the best possible resources available. An income can greatly affect not only their livelihood but potentially their future as well. Children are greatly impacted by their parent’s income in multiple different ways. Families from both high and low incomes can have a positive or negative influence on their child’s their future. Research has found how wealth impacts not only interests but future jobs as well as their education. Even their mental and physical health can suffer due to socioeconomic status.
A child is greatly impacted by their …show more content…

Private schools have been shown to have a higher level of education than public schools. Private schools also tend to offer more electives for students to choose from, this means they are more exposed to different future professions at an earlier age. However, the average private school tuition in the U.S. for elementary school is $15,945 a year, and $27,302 a year for secondary school. Less wealthy families simply can’t afford to pay these high prices; this makes it so they must send their child to a public school. Public schools aren’t a bad thing but they aren’t at the same academic level as private schools. This will set their child at a disadvantage when they enter college with student who did go to a private school. Their education as a child will have a big impact on how well they do in college if they decide to go. People from public schools now have to compete with people who have had a better education their whole life. They have to compete with these people for jobs in the future and how well someone does in college has a great impact qualification for jobs.
In conclusion, money plays a big part in everyone’s life. Money affects children in many ways. It can impact their interests and hobbies and it can also help them do better in college. How someone does in college and what they study has an impact on their future job and future income. Someone’s socioeconomic status has a great impact on their future

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