Social Psychoanalysis, Post-structuralism and German philosophical traditions

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Lacan’s theory is a form of structuralism because it expansively talks about the tenets of human culture. As advanced by the structuralism theory, human culture is understood from the idea that, there is a larger relationship between structures of human existence. Lacan posits that human culture stems from its relationship with overarching systems. Lacan’s theory argues that human phenomena do not have value without the relationship that ensues with other structures. In other words, Lacan is candid that culture is a product of the systems of structure that build up to a larger structure. According to Lacan, human existence derives its understanding from its ability to develop interrelations. Indeed, Lacan’s psychoanalysis theory has a form of structuralism embedded in it by looking deeply into his ideas about human interactions. According to him, “the unconscious is the discourse of the other”. This implies that human desires are structured in relation to the feelings of others. Psychoanalysis, according to Lacan, is the idea that human culture results from social interaction. In this respect, desire is a social phenomenon that links humans with other structures that form human culture. It is the structural interaction of human desire with other components of human culture, which makes Lacan’s theory a form of structuralism. Linking the space between people in a social-psychoanalysis approach is a form of structuralism. In reference to this idea, it is worth noting that the ability to connect people in a cultural dimension calls for a structural comprehension between different tenets like language and economics. As advanced by Lacan, for instance, capitalism and economics are significant components of human culture that influe...

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...the social structures in a society, and the relationship it has with the functions of the society. In understanding the system theory, it is worth pointing out on important features defining the theory. According to Luhmann, functioning differentiation is the most complex form of differentiation. Thus, functioning differentiation refers to the working of differentiated elements in a social system. Functional differentiation asserts that in system theory, there is a dependence and interdependence of various elements of a society. Social systems refer to the structural elements that make up a society. In addition, subsystems are the individual societal structures and elements that make up a social system. According to the systems theory, sub systems are instrumental in initiating communication between elements of a social structure.

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