Social Media's Negative Effects On Middle School Students

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Have you seen middle schoolers always walking around campus with their head down towards their phone? They are probably on social media. Social media is a way of communication between people across the globe. However, social media might lead to negative impacts. When people communicate over the phone too much, they have less face to face interactions with people. If this is the case, then people should stop using technology so much. Middle school students using social media can result in broken relationships. The use of social media has a negative impact to middle school students because it destroys relationships. According to Teens, Kindness and Cruelty of on Social Network Sites, “22% of social media teens have experienced ending friendships.” This means that social media can easily harm the relationship between any friends. Friends are an important part of life, who hold a place in our heart. That can be changed just by a few clicks of social media and its distractions. According to the same site, “13% teens have experienced problems with their …show more content…

Without spending as much time interacting, social media ruins my relationships. This can cause seclusion and less communication between the people. According to a teen on How Teens View Their Digital Lives, “Technology and social networking have absorbed some of my close friendships, and they’ve dwindled. I miss the times where we could just go hang out and laugh.” This shows that teen’s priorities nowadays are their social media and not their friends, which is bad for friendships. From the same infographic, “20% of us consider ourselves addicted to social sites.” This shows that people need to stop spending so much time on their phone, or their close friends by their side will be lost. Even though some people might disagree, social media negatively impacts relationships for middle school

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