Social Media Sociology

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The answer to this question lies in the type of community being referred to. For instance: thanks to the development of social media technology, the line between reality and the virtual world has diminished even more. A separate community has now been established away from the real world, and into the world of these connections of computers and data transfer networks; mainly being social media networks. With a swipe of a finger, users can get connected to thousands of other users throughout the world, form separate online communities for the purpose of discussion, research, or just general communication. For this reason, technology has dominated almost every field of a normal human life. Therefore in a sense, it has excluded us from the real communities, but has included us into a new virtual one (“How does technology affect your social life”, 2015). …show more content…

This social media have acted as a promoter of not only the virtual community, but the real life as well, bringing more and more people closer both: online and offline, then ever it was possible. There are many who debate whether social media includes people into the community, or abandons them from it; harming their social and communicated skills and forcing them to take refuge from reality into the alternate online world (Noguchi, 2013). For instance, typing behind the filter of a screen instead of verbally communicating with an individual facing you seems easier and fun, however somewhat weakens his or her social communication skills. However for that, we must understand what communication really is. Communication can be simply defined as being a verb, which describes the act of exchange of feelings, emotions, ideas and information. For this reason, communication is the fundamental backbone of any

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