Social Media Influence On Politics Essay

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The news media and social media affect and influence the political world. The political arena can now be easily accessed through every citizen’s smartphone screens and tablet screens. For instance, Barack Obama became the country’s most Instagrammer-in-Chief (Carr). Obama utilized social media to promote his climate agenda while on his trip to Alaska. He would snap pictures of the landscape and share the pictures on his social media accounts which earned him more than thousands of likes. The media and its political connections play a huge scene in this topic of influence. Since the election of 2008, Obama utilized Facebook to connect with the public (Carr). This year’s 2016 Presidential candidates have been using social media to connect with the public. The media interprets and impact discussions made by the public and its candidates, as well as polling and voting. Obama has paved the path since 2008 in using social media to connect with the public, and Obama has been a pacesetting in this year’s presidential candidates. For example, Senator Ted Cruz often appears on Periscope, Marco Rubio snap videos and pictures on Snapchat at stops along his …show more content…

Normally, newspapers were the first source of news to utilize and distribute among the people, but due to tragic events in history, it influenced Americans to use their televisions more than common. Television similar to social media is quicker at delivering recent events. In the late 1960s, more than 81% of Americans owned televisions. As a result, this drastically decreased newspaper profits (Sneed). Since the late 1960s, television broadcast channels augmented their air time from half an hour to more than one hour. Television channels like CBS and ABC attracted more viewers after displaying more content for more than half an hour (Sneed). The late 1960s popularized the

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