Social Media Impact On Presidential Elections Essay

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The use of social media in the Presidential campaigns has a big impact on the presidential election. This case study analyze how the Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates, Mr. Donald Trump and Mrs. Hillary Clinton used social media to help deliver their parties platform and to help them to possibly become the 45th President of the United States of America.
Goal of Organization/Background
The Election of 1789 was the first Presidential election for the United States of America, where George Washington was elected the First President of the United States. Since then, this nation has had 56 presidential elections resulting in 44 presidents. In order to win the nomination as a US Presidential candidate for one of the major political …show more content…

I also can see that social media has helped and hurt both candidates. A lot of Democratic voters who are supporters of Bernie Sanders, who ran against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, are finding it hard to be supporters of Hillary because they don’t think that she is honest. Only 43 percent of Sanders backers view Clinton as honest (2016 Post ABC Polling). Sure Mr. Trump has used the social media wave to beat the competition during the primary season, but he has also provided some tweets and posts that have come back to bite him and have been used against him by his competitors. In his June 9, 2016 post, Donald Trump tweeted, and I quote “Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!” (Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 9, 2016) Only for Mrs. Clinton to respond by tweeting, and I quote “Delete your account.” (Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 9, 2016) This tweet is currently at 148,165 retweets and 156,148 likes, and it has been tweeted by Alex Wall Director of Social Media for Hillary

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