Social Media Bombing Effects

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On the day of April 15, 2013 the United States was attacked by two brothers armed with pressure cooker bombs, looking to kill and injure innocent civilians. The bombs were placed about two hundred yards apart one being located at the end of the finish line. The bombs were detonated during the marathon instantly killing three people and leaving over two hundred people injured. The events that had occurred on this day will forever impact the country and those whose lives were altered by this this horrible event. My analysis goes into depth of the effects of the attack of why it happened, how did it happen, what we can do to reduce and prevent future attacks as well as the theories and religious beliefs on why someone would commit such an act. …show more content…

A majority of the news stations were focused on the details of the terrorists and locations not the motives or their involvement with a terrorist organization. With the involvement of social media there were many times where information was misled, such as in the case of Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi was a student at Brown University who was falsely identified on Reddit as one of the two suspects in photograph circulated by the FBI. Before he was officially identified, social media users had falsely claimed that he was one of the brothers involved in the attack. This misidentification led for people wondering how this can be prevented in the future. This event already caused a great deal of harm to the suspect and has them fear for the safety of themselves and others. Many believe that there is no way to stop things like this that it is the nature of the beast. Instead of trying to combat some people believe the only thing they can do is just be aware of the situation around to prevent misunderstandings like this …show more content…

Terrorist attacks like these cause physical and emotional pain to the victims and those who witness them. Terrorist attacks in a popular public area have become even more common. As of a few weeks ago, there was a terrorist attack in Orlando at a nightclub in which the gunman had killed 49 innocent people, once again causing Americans to wonder how we can stop tragedies like this from occurring. After each terrorist attack our society stands together and we demand that this will never happen again, but time after time history continues to repeat itself. We need to learn from previous attacks in order to prevent future ones from occurring. One of the key objectives to preventing an attack is just being aware of your surroundings and always being alert for suspicious activity such as the see something say something campaign in New York. The public can be a powerful ally in identifying potential terrorist act. (House of Homeland Security Committee, 2016) With each terrorist attack, we are able to gain knowledge that can help law enforcement. We can learn how attacks are carried out and how we can stop terrorists before they act. This is important to help save many innocent lives as well as making America safe again. By studying terrorist attacks specifically the Boston Marathon bombing we are able to learn the motives behind it. We can also learn how the Boston Marathon bombing occurred and how a

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