Social Media Bias

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Social media over the years has changed greatly due to the advancements in technology. In past years, news was only made by a selected few organizations, but nowadays news can be shared by anyone at any time. Fake news has been becoming more popular by the day, and many people even gain profit by posting these articles. Most people get their news from online media sites, and some sites even post fake news articles that can be difficult to pinpoint. False news is beginning to become pervasive in social media sites, causing these media platforms to struggle to get rid of these articles. Although this is a struggle, there are still a great deal of ways to identify the validity of the news they read. In this day and age, flawed and inaccurate …show more content…

These social media platforms don’t want to hire human editors because they worry this could make these articles vulnerable to bias (Dwoskin). Since people have their own opinions on subjects this could create a problem while trying to pick out the articles that are fake because of bias. People with partisan bias could remove articles they dislike, and not care whether the articles were factual or imprecise. Social media sites claim that “they have little responsibility to exert editorial control over the news they deliver to billions of people” (Dwoskin). This causes a problem because if these sites cannot control how much false news is spread to billions of people, than this will cause a harder time to get rid of these articles since the sources cannot control these articles. Social media platforms rely on the algorithms of the site but “the social media softwares cannot detect false news” (Real). Since these social media sites mostly rely on algorithms and equations it cannot detect fake news. This makes it harder to detect fake news since now the sites will have to switch over from technology to human editors to detect these articles. Most people in the social media community want these sites to do something about this major problem since some of these sites have a big share in the social media community (Dwoskin). Since many of these media sites are well known …show more content…

While reading an article, a interesting headline may lure people in, but not always does the title tell the whole story (Eugene and Robertson). While reading a news article, do not always judge the story just by the title, often cases the headline does not reveal the full truth. Make sure to read past the headline before sharing the articles on social media, as you read through the articles check for signs to see if the article is trustworthy. There are many ways to tell whether an article is false or not, but “another tell-tale sign of a fake story is often by the byline” (Eugene and Robertson). By researching the author and distinguishing to see if this person is famous for creating false news stories, or by seeing if this person is real is an important way to tell whether the article is real or fake. An unfamiliar website covered in ads should also be a way to draw in suspicion (Robins). Since these false news websites make money off plastering ads on their sites, there will usually be a profusive amount of ads on the articles. Often times searching up a sites name and glancing at other articles it posts should help decide whether the site is trustworthy or not. By posting the URL of the website into a fake news detector site should help people detect whether the article is false or real. Given these facts we can clearly see that

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