Social Media And Terrorism Essay

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Merriam-Webster defines terrorism as, “the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal.” This paper will attempt to highlight ways in which social media encourages terrorism. For the reader to develop a clear viewpoint, it is important for them to be aware of what terrorism is and what social media is. While the former has already been defined in the beginning, the latter, according to Wikipedia, can be defined as, "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content"(Kaplan Andreas M., Haenlein Michael (2010)). Through research based on different tools of social …show more content…

There is a difference between easing the process with which the terrorists can communicate amongst each other and actually providing support to their cause. However, it is also important to keep in mind that people who use different forms of social media can communicate with these terrorists to provide them with their support through different ways, for example through information, or offering monetary support. The internet provides a means for terrorist groups to feed the mass media with information and videos that explain their mission and vision. By these means, the group’s message can reach a greater audience and more easily influence the public agenda. (David H. Gray, and Albon …show more content…

Research suggests that besides using text messaging services, terrorists also use Twitter and online chat rooms to communicate directly with their followers or to answer any questions regarding their plans. Jihadist message boards and chatrooms have been known to have “experts” directly answer questions about how to mix poisons for chemical attacks, how to ambush soldiers, how to carry out suicide attacks and how to hack into computer systems. One chatroom on the PalTalk index, with a name that is slightly altered each time but still identifiable, has been routinely advertised on Jihadi web forums and has been used on a daily basis to post links to al-Qaeda propaganda videos and terrorist instruction manuals. (Evan Kholmann, “Al Qaeda and the Internet.) Text messaging service is also an easy way to converse, however it may be a little dangerous as many countries have service providers sometimes monitoring the exchange of information between

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