Essay On Small Change By Malcolm Gladwell

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Malcolm Gladwell in his article “Small Change”, published in The New Yorker in 2010, identifies our present time as a long sequence of revolutions, in which the new instruments of mass media have changed the nature of social activism. I think it is possible to agree and disagree with his position at the same time. Obviously, Facebook and Twitter and the like have modulated the existing links between the authorities and the public. They have altered kinds of activism, and the organizations with so-called “strong-ties” gave way to a weak-tie gatherings somewhere on-line. I support Gladwell's claim that “friends” on Facebook, in spite of their assistance in providing their interlocutors with new ideas and news, can't be regarded true friends, ready to back you up in a dangerous, politically unstable situation.

On the other hand, I am sure that social networks can establish a proper foundation for people's awareness of the things, happening in the region, country or the world. It depends on their quality and responsibility for everything they say and do. The recent events in Ukraine str...

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