Social Media And Narcissism Essay

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Social media and narcissism
- Both social media usage and narcissism are readily increasing among millennials o “Recent research supports the often-made assertion that the millennial generation are more narcissistic.” (Twenge, Knorath, Foster, Campbell, & Bushman, 2008a, 2008b) o “over 90% of college students having facebook profiles” (Ellison, Steinfield, & Lampe, 2007)
- Social media is an easily accessible outlet for narcissists to reinforce their narcissistic tendencies o “Narcissism was related to the reported reasons why Millennials update their status and the image they hope to project through their SNS profile” o “Positively related to the reported belief that participants’ SNS friends were interested in what they were doing and to the participants’ reported …show more content…

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