Social Justice in the US

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In the world, both rich and poor countries have got different forms of social injustices that their respective societies are going through. Briefly this paper will address social injustices in the United States and under the social injustices, the paper will focus more on Economy, health and society injustices. This will be approached with three questions; Firstly, why is it important for American people to know about social injustices in the States? Secondly, how has America’s social justice been violated and why? Lastly, what are some of the measures that the US government has taken to address the issue of social injustices, which include Unemployment, endless crimes and terrorism, social classes in American societies with different benefits and privileges? Finally the paper will state personal opinions to American citizens and the American government at large and will draw the conclusion.

Key words: Crimes and Justice, and poverty and Health

America is the world’s super power with a great support to peace keeping in the world. United States has a population of over 3 million people with its population growth of 0.9% per annum. Basically the huge number of population has got a lot to do with America’s military strength. America’s military spending is more than a quarter of the entire world. America with a big military strength, just like any other scholar who lacks information about America like I used to be before attending this class, one would assume America as the world’s safest place to live it because they are capable of ensuring security. But any ways, this might be not the reality to be based on as will be discussed in the paper later. Still to point out what to be discussed in the paper, though America has got the...

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...ure the value of freedom to the public. Personal freedom is important when it is not hurting the society.

Works Cited

Russell. D and Joseph. G: Contemporary America (3rd Edition 2009)

US conference of Catholic Bishops (Monday September 2 2013) a letter to the Prime Minister David Cameron for the G8 meeting Catholic; Three steps to reduce income disparities by Father James Martin (August 14th 2013) National affairs; Justice, Inequalities and the poor by Ryan Messmore Social Security basic facts
Population America

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