Social And Social Activity Essay

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Scientists are always coming up with different activities for the elderly to live healthier, longer, and happier lives! People over the age of 65 can prolong their life by doing simple things like going out shopping, church, movies, and playing games like bingo. Senior citizens who are too fragile to exercise can benefit from social activities. Social and productive activities involve little or no enhancement of physical fitness lower the risk of all causes of death as much as exercise does. These are ways that social and physical activity effect and help the elderly. Yvonne Michael, epidemiologist studies the effects of social capitals on senior citizens. Michael analyzed data from a large health survey of nearly 14,000 adults .He measured …show more content…

May seem distant and away from groups. If elder abuse is diagnosed, the first step is to remove the elder from their current living environment. After the elder is taken from abusive home/ facility, they will be placed in a safer setting, which may include living with family and attending adult day care. Next, the elder can select a counselor or be assigned one from the state. Emotional abuse in nursing homes enclose any psychological distress or emotional pain caused by a caregiver. Elderly abuse can happen in a nursing home or assisted living environment. A government- appointed caregiver will ask the elder how he/she is being treated and spoken to by staff members, how often she see’s loved ones. After asking a series of questions the caregiver can address the psychological evaluation to determine if the person is likely to have experienced elder abuse. In severe cases of abuse (mental, physical, and emotional) the patient may need medication to calm down, and cope with emotional distress and sleep regularly. If psychological or emotional elder abuse is suspected, it 's important to report the suspicions to government officials. The government-affiliated caregiver will evaluate the elderly person. The caregiver may ask the elder who he/she enjoys spending time with the most and …show more content…

These include basic survival tasks as dressing, bathing, grooming, using the toilet, moving in and out of bed or a chair, and eating. They also include activities for maintaining an independent life such as cooking, cleaning, etc. Problems in doing daily tasks arise for many reasons and are closely linked to other health problems. For example, people with congestive heart failure may lack the physical endurance or stamina to manage household tasks like cleaning, cooking or laundry on their own. People with arthritis may be unable to perform the small, precise movements of the hands and arms. Failing eyesight and hearing can also make self-care more difficult. Inability to take medicines correctly may be related problems such as being unable to read instructions, open bottles, get water,

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