Essay On Elderly Abuse In Dementia

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In this week's posting I will identify and discuss issues of abuse within the elderly population who have dementia. I will discuss the caregiver role and why elderly individuals with dementia are more prone to abuse. Studieshave shown that there are alarmingly high rates of abuse among patients suffering from dementia by their caregivers and within a home-care setting. A study of caregiver-care recipients found that 47.3% of elderly patients with dementia were abused (Gibbs, &Mosqueda, 2010). The literature described verbal abuse as being the most common type reported, however physical abuse was also reported but was rarer (Gibbs, &Mosqueda, 2010).
Elderly individuals with dementia are more prone to abuse and incidences often go unreported or hidden (Greenlee, 2012). It is alarming that the rates of elder abuse in dementia patients are so high, and in a rapidly aging population that can only mean that numbers will increase (Greenlee, 2012). Elderly dementia patients are a highly vulnerable population, within an already vulnerable group.sourceThe feelings and emotions of the dementia patient might be ignored or overlooked due their cognitive impairments and the societal attitude that they are incapable of making rational decisions or may exaggerate situations. Source Elderly patients with dementia may have difficulty communicating, such as finding the words or social withdrawal, and may find it difficult to talk about their experiences of abuse. This can lead to the patient not speaking up or reporting their abuse.sourceSocietal views also imply that dementia patients are confused and this may even lead the patient to not speak up about abuse because they do not feel anyone will believe them.source
The caregiver's ...

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...on the symptoms of dementia and the behaviors.sourceThe nurse can reassure the caregiver that they are not alone and many other individuals like them are facing similar experiences or difficulties. The nurse can also orient the caregiver to resources for support groups, counseling and information sessions. Nurses can offer resources such as adult day centers, which involves both the caregiver and patient. This can prevent depression, isolation and provide information to the caregiver about coping with elderly patients with dementia.sourceIt is important to note that nurses are in the best position to recognize elder abuse and should be sensitive and tactful when assessing caregivers and dementia patients for the presence of abuse. Source This may help prevent caregiver burn-out and stress, as well as reduce the incidence of elder abuse in dementia patientssource .

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