Soccer Players Classification Essay

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All throughout soccer, many different types of players exist. From race to ability to age, the demographic of soccer players is the most diverse ever experienced at one time. Everyone has a different playing style, a different outlook, and a different background. All throughout life, people are prepared and culminated for different situations. Even as simple as a pick-up game, real people’s personalities are shown. The easiest way to compare soccer players would most likely looking at their basic playing styles. The major four types would be as follows: the “I am the best ever” players, the “I’m sorry coach” players, the “What is going on?” players, and the “I’m just here to play” players. Although they all are playing the same game and some …show more content…

They are usually the ones on the bench because they cannot figure out how to play in the game because they have wandering minds. This is typically because they did not sleep enough the night before the game or they did not prepare nutritionally for the game, and thus, they are tired and they have no ability to play in the game. These are the saddest player to see because it is usually a waste of potential simply because they cannot fully function and understand the game. Although it is sad, it is sometimes the most amusing because they look so confused. The last people have to be the simplest and most boring people to watch: the “I’m just here to play” players. They have no specific outlook on the game except that they want to play, and they usually just want to win. They typically do not care how they win as long as they are involved and it happens. Although this is a simple and very respectable category, it is extremely boring and mundane. And for that, it does not deserve much time in a humorous paper. All of these players can cause different people to laugh. The most ironic people is that the people who typically laugh at a specific category will typically fall into a specific category themselves. All together the sport of soccer and all sports would not exist if these categories and types of people exist. Therefore, a special thanks to the funny ones and not special thanks to the boring ones for making up

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