Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

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In the first opening scene, Snow White is referred to as a “lovely little princess.” In her first appearance, she is cleaning and looks as though she is in despair waiting to be saved. Snow White is portrayed as young, virginal, pretty, obedient and incapable of helping herself. This movie having been released in 1937, conveys what the “proper” gender roles of the time were. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, power is segregated between genders and even to this day, the stereotypical gender roles seen in this movie still hold some weight in our society.
The films message to viewers about gender and power is that women are meant to take care of the home and play the supportive role, while men go out to their jobs and provide. Men are strong and burly and women are naïve and domesticated. Women need men and men always come to the rescue to save women and give them a happy ending. Power is portrayed in the film both visually and through the film’s script and dialogue. The common idea that women are inferior to men is placed subtly in this movie throughout the plot and how these charac...

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