Slower Than The Rest By Cynthia Rylant

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be lonely and slower than everyone else. Well Slower Than The Rest by Cynthia Rylant answers that question. The main character Leo is lonely and has no friends. Slower Than The Rest is about a boy named Leo who find a turtle on the highway and takes it in as a pet. Leo had no friends until Charlie his turtle came and acted like a best friend. Leo brought Charlie into school and talked about charlie and forest fires. At the end of the story Leo got an award plaque for best presentation and for once felt fast. Leo was lonely because he didn't have any friends. In Slower Than The Rest by Cynthia Rylant, it shows that Leo is Lonely because he didn’t have any friends this is because he was slower …show more content…

One example of this in the text is he had to switch classrooms because he is slower than everyone else. In the text it said “As a result in 4th grade Leo had been separated from the rest of his classmates and placed in a room with other children as slow as he was.” This proves that he is lonely because he was taken away from the other kids in his class. In Slower than The Rest by Cynthia Rylant the text shows that Leo was lonely because he didn’t have any friends. A final example of him having no friends is when Leo was on the bus en-route to school with Charlie in the box. In the text it said “Leo was quiet about it on the bus.” He was quiet because he had no friends to talk to. He always sits by himself. This proves he was lonely because he had nobody to talk to. The text shows that Leo was lonely because he didn’t have any friends. In life being lonely is a big problem because it doesn’t make you feel good. I learned that some friends are really something great. Loneliness is one of the biggest issues that i see in my eyes and heart. One song that really ties into the claim is waving through a window. From now on I will always be a friend to

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