Reflective Essay About Friendship

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Friendships are as strong and as delicate as glass, they can survive a lifetime of use but all it takes is one fatal fall for it to be shattered forever. Sometimes people stay in a friendship long after they have been shattered by it, this is when the glass takes on a new complex. Miss matched pieces fit together imperfectly and everything looks distorted when you look through it. One person is hurting and the other hasn’t noticed a change. Our friendship had always been a bit one sided but, it took a long time for me to realize that wasn 't because of me. Being a bit antisocial, I correlated my tendencies with our friendship, I thought that it was just because I was shy and she was outgoing. She would talk about her life and problems and anything else that crossed her mind, how I was doing was never something that she thought of. These were the first signs that what we had was a toxic friendship. …show more content…

I told her everything that had been weighing me down for years and it crushed me. Seeing all of the things that I had allowed her to do to me, all of the things that I forgave her for and let go. These were my actions and my decisions, I consciously let her treat me like this. Finally, I was bringing it to her awareness that she hurt me and what our “friendship” was. I knew that I struggled throughout those years but the compilation was staggering. Learning to move on from this has been a work in progress. There have been a lot of personal issues I needed to address and deal with. Lack of confidence and security in myself and my actions was a major key to why this toxic friendship got so out of hand. Being comfortable with just being alone and knowing that I will find good friends when the time comes. I can’t hope that someone else will make me feel any better about myself, that strength needs to come from within. Maybe me letting her do that to me and being around people who didn’t care was my own way of crying out for

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