Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants Essay

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I decided to write my adolescent position paper on Amber Tamblyn’s character, Tibby in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. In this movie, Tibby plays an emerging adult who is finding her place in the world. This movie is about a group of four best friends who have been friends since birth. Tibby is deciding how she is going to spend her first summer without her friends. This summer they are going their separate ways for various occasions, but Tibby is the only one who will stay home in Maryland to work at a superstore, while her friends get to visit amazing places like Mexico, Greece, and South Carolina. On their last day together, they decide to go shopping and they find a pair of jeans that magically fits every one of them perfectly! They …show more content…

It is important for Tibby to show and receive the trust and loyalty in a friendship. She is known to be more distant when making new friends, but she realizes how important it is to keep these friends and spend as much time as possible with them. Tibby realizes how lucky she was to have found Bailey. Without Bailey, she wouldn’t have understood how important it is to be more accepting of new friendships. Bailey became a loyal assistant to Tibby’s filming of her documentary. When Tibby is conducting interviews for her documentary, she meets people that are lonely and don’t have friends to lean on. She sees what a gift this is to have uncovered this and help realize their true potential in life. Tibby sees that just because someone is different then her, it doesn’t mean they are wrong in how they live their life. Unfortunately, at the end of the movie, Bailey passes away. Bailey always saw the positive in every situation and she taught Tibby to try and do the same. We see how big of an impact Bailey had on Tibby and this shows how the social context is influencing her development to change how she …show more content…

Since her parent’s went through so many different jobs, she had to mature more quickly than her friends. With Bailey’s death she was able to accept people who are different from her and be able to see the world in a new light. She is in the period of extensive identity exploration. Another way we can represent the change that Tibby sees in the world is through her documentary. Through her camera lens she views the world without any understanding. She thinks that everyone in the town she lives in is absurd. While Bailey was helping her film, she looked deeper into others lives and realized that these are stories that need to be told. They may have been sad or difficult stories, but that is what made her documentary a touching exploration of people whose lives were clearly different from

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