Single Mothers Essay: Being A Child Of A Single Parent

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“For me, already being part of a single parent household and knowing it was just me and my mom, you'd would wake up times and hope that the next day you'd be able to be alongside your mother because she was out trying to make sure that I was taken care of. But all I cared about was her being home.” This quote was said by LeBron James. He knows, as well as others do, how it feels like to be a child of a single parent. It is tough to be a child of a single parent, especially a single father. Being a child of a single father means that, as a girl, they have to do all of the cleaning and most of the cooking. It prepares them for the real world and proves to people they can take care of themselves as well as others too. There are a lot of single parents, however, there are certain single parents that should think before they become a single parents. If a divorce caused single parenting, there is nothing that can really be done, but if a single person wants a baby, they should think before having a baby or adopting. People of all kinds should be able to make the decision to be a single parent; however, before one becomes a single parent, they need to be aware of the difficulties, stress, and financial needs to raise and support a child alone.
“On a low income, single parents cannot afford to take a sick day off of work, they cannot afford childcare and also cannot rest or go to sleep unless their child is asleep,” (Sherine, 2). “Unlike women on a low income, middle class women have careers and college to look forward to so they put off having children,” (Anderson, 5). “Unfortunately, a study has shown that babies are more likely to grow up and be in poverty if they are born to a single mother who is poor,” (McClatchy, 2). “Everyone a...

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...apply for government support if they need it, have child support and have support from friends and family. And last but not least, if someone chooses to be a single parent they need to do as best as they can to raise the child, apply for government help only if needed and again have support from others. More people need to reach out and change things about single parenting. For example, the government support for single fathers should be equal to the support of single mothers. But enough about that.
Single parents do as best as they can always and try to do their best to raise their children. Parents should be able to have the choice to be a single parent but before one chooses so, they need to be aware of all of the difficulties that go along with being a single parent. They need to be aware of the stress and the financial needs to raise and support a child alone.

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