Single Father

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I had some experiences in my life, the most thing I wasn't forget . I made a right decision to be a single mother . A big challenge. Firstly, I have decided to be a great mother, my son name is Jerry, he is nine years old. When he was four years old, he was timid and not talkative. This made me worried because he speaks a few words just like a kid or two years old, but these worries did not keep me down. I took him for two hours everyday to the National Park. That might make him talk to other kids and adults. After two weeks he started to develop 5 to 10 words everyday. Also, I want to be close to my son. After dinner we play thirty minutes of race cars on the computer, he expressed many different words while he was playing. For instance: " good job, excellent, terrific, well done , …show more content…

I spent time more than others does. Teach the kids are difficult, but teach a kid had problems in speaking is more difficult. I read and watched a lot of Jack Ma shows, a famous speaker in the world. I learn some solutions and methods of him. He is great speaker, when he stands on the stage and delivers his ideas to audiences , I wish I can lead my son to be a good speaker like Jack Ma. For example, every night we have been starting presentation at 7 pm after dinner. Then I ask him to stand on the stage ( I made by a low table )to introduce himself. Then he answers my questions as if he was a speaker and I was deliver the audience.I have been teaching him to deliver some short presentations as " his names, age, mother 's name , mother's job, work schedule. He talked about his morning

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