How To Change My Life Essay

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Everyone’s life is full of memories, looking back at the picture from childhood till today. There are so many things I can talk about there, but, there was one incidence that change my life forever. How can we can never look back to something good that happens in our life? We always remember that what bad thing happen to us or who broke our heart. So, here I am talking about what happen in my life and how did it heal. When the trust between two parties has been broken, the loyalty of the relationship is solid. Why do people cannot decide what they want to do in their life? Why cannot they think before doing what they are doing? Why cannot they think that, it could hurt someone? In our Hindu Culture, It is so different in the way how people get married here in the USA. It is completely different, in Hindu culture, parents pick our life mate, and I just have to approve or disapprove it. As my parents start …show more content…

I wanted answers to all my questions. At age of 30, if he cannot decide what he wants to do? What is he good for? To get me out of that situation, my family, my brother, my friends from all around the nation give me strength and courage me to move on with life. But unless, and until you do not go through the pain in life you do not know how it feels, it is easy for people to say but it is very hard to let it go in life. I cried, I scream, I ask God why this did happen to me. It hurts me the most is, I have seen all my dream with him. I did not know this was coming otherwise I would have stopped from letting it happen. I would somehow make it work. It was a nightmare. He ends up getting married with to the girl he always told me that he did not like her and she is my husband’s cousin. How awkward this situation would be when we are face to face in some family function. But I know I will not feel the awkwardness because I did not do nothing that I have to be ashamed

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