Simon Sinek On Millenials In The Workplace

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A Millennial are those who were born in the year of the latest 1900's and the early 2000's. Society assumes that Millennials are attached to their electronic devices. While Simon Sinek was interview titled "On millennials in the workplace" he stated the downsides of the millennials today that is "four characteristics one is parenting the other one is technology third is impatience and the fourth is environment." Simon Sinek gave many examples that many young adults could rely on. However, not everyone feels that Simon Sinek was presenting in samples of his four main details of the effect of the young Millennials today since Hasan Piker made good points in his video named "Young Turks on Millennials" as Simon Sinek replied on the meaning of …show more content…

Simon Sinek uses a lot of comparisons to Millennials as chemical substances. In the video "On millennials in the workplace" Simon Sinek stated, "an entire generation that has access to an addictive numbing to chemical dopamine through social media and cell phones." When he compares Millenials to chemical dopamine, he's using that to convey the argument to make people believe that what he is saying is true to all Millenials when in reality he is describing some Millennials and not all of them. The other side of the argument Hasan Piker states "pretty much anything that gives you pleasure. Are we going to curb those other things as well?" Piker explains that just because things give us pleasure doesn't mean we should curb them as Simon does in his interview. We should be thankful that Millennials are coming up with new technology and studies that help Non- Millenials with anything and they are coming up with resources that can help them with their well-being. Hasan Piker gives credit to Millennials for creating a new environment for everyone. When he says that piece of argument, it shows how he conveys the message to the other opposing side to the …show more content…

This shows how Millennials are not entitled and have to actually work hard like myself to be in a place where they do not have to rely on others for help and they can do what they want for themselves. As for this paper, the audience is mostly focused on society who are interested in the topic of Millennials because there are two sides of the topic of Millennials as one party sees the worst of the young Millennials and the other party sees the best of them who defiance every Millennial as an individual and not as a group. When Hasan Piker describes how people should not define Millennials as a weak source of humans just because they are more modern than

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