Similarities Between Winston And Julia In The Book 1984

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1. Julia and Winston have things in common like they both have rebellious feelings against the government. They also both hate purity. “I hate purity, I hate goodness. I don’t want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.” (P.125) But with similarities comes differences like age. Where Winston is 39, and Julia is in her 20s. Julia does not care about her past or future and only cares about the present. Winston strives about the past. Julia has a more optimistic view on life and does not care about future or death, on the other hand that is all Winston thinks about. 2. I believe that even though the party can torture a person through violence and make them say anything, however they cannot make them believe it. Basically when you say something that doesn’t mean that you meant it. You can force someone at gunpoint to say something, but you cannot force them to believe in what they are saying. Persuading is a form of making someone believing for point. But you cannot force someone to believe something because everyone has their individual …show more content…

The party permits couples to marry and to produce offspring. That is the main “purpose” of marriage according to the government. Encouraging love would not make people loyal to the government because the baby or offspring would need approval from the government to allow them to have a child. The children are for the party and this destroys individualism of the citizens. This allows the government to be able to control the younger generation by using brainwashing which makes them able to control them more than the previous generation. The younger you are when exposed to a belief or habit, it will be difficult to break. Similar to programming a robot from the beginning rather than later in the process when the robot makes a mistake. I feel that this isn’t as realistic as of now in the United States. But, I could see bits of it happening to other corrupted countries who could brainwash their

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