Similarities Between Tom And The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby: Tom vs. Gatsby `It’s all about Tom and Gatsby in this book. In The Great Gatsby, Tom and Gatsby are the main character in this book. Tom and Gatsby are different in many way such as the way they make money or the way that they act, but there is similarities such as who they love. Who is the best Tom or Gatsby. Gatsby and Tom are very similar and different in many ways. One way that Gatsby and Tom are similar is that Gatsby and Tom both think that Daisy loves one of them. In Chapter 6, Gatsby states, “Your wife doesn’t love you,’ said Gatsby. ‘She’s never loved you. She loves me”(Fitzgerald 139), while Tom responds, “Daisy loved me when she married me and she loves me now.” (Fitzgerald 140). Both Gatsby and Tom claim that Daisy loves one and not the other. This shows that Gatsby and Tom really believe that Daisy loves one of them. Gatsby and Tom, both say that Daisy love one of them, they argue for the approval of Daisy. …show more content…

In chapter 1 Nick explains that Tom came from a wealthy family. “His family were enormously wealthy.” (Fitzgerald 8). In chapter 6 Gatsby explains the way he got rich. “And it was from Cody that he inherited money—a legacy of twenty-five thousand dollars.” (Fitzgerald 108) ”Gatsby himself insist that he found his fortune with Dan Cody” (Moss, Joyce, and George Wilson). ”As a young man, Gatsby learned his way around the law through the mentoring advice of Dan Cody, a miner, drinker, and a gambler.”(Moss, Joyce, and George Wilson.) This explains how Tom and Gatsby are different in the way they became rich. This show how Gatsby and Tom made their money. Gatsby became rich because of Cody, he learned about money and Cody gave him a new beginning. Tom became rich because of his

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