Old Money In The Great Gatsby

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Even though old money and new money are to different ways of obtaining wealth, old money and new money are important in the Great Gatsby because money was used to show how important someone was and with money you could achieve the American Dream. Money is a very important symbol in the Great Gatsby, there was always something in the book that you could refer back to having money. There was two different ways that Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby obtained their wealth. Tom inherited his money which they called back in the day as old money. Jay Gatsby gained his wealth in a different way which was called new money; he obtained it by making it on his own not having it inherited to him. Each of them had their differences and they did not respect each …show more content…

New money is someone that had come from a lower social class and could not obtain certain items or luxuries, because they could not afford them (dictionary). This category Gatsby is unlike Tom that got his money from old money. We can see from this quote he was making his money in a honest way until he started bootlegging by saying this, "Oh, I've been in several things," he corrected himself. "I was in the drug business and then I was in the oil business. But I'm not in either one now."(Fitzgerald 90) this quote shows that he did make his money by doing those things before bootlegging his wealth first taught to him by Dan Cody and then he started to do it with his friend named Wolfsheim (Fitzgerald). This is how Gatsby got to be rich unlike Tom who got his money from inheriting it. Bootlegging is the process of selling alcohol illegally which was called prohibition in the 1920’s (Mark Thorton). If there was no prohibition Gatsby might have had to find a different way to all his wealth that he had called from it. Also, how Gatsby go his money and the people he associated with that helped him get all his money you can see from this quote, “Meyer Wolfsheim? No, he’s a gambler.” “He’s the man who fixed the World’s Series back in 1919.” Nick responds by thinking this, “The idea staggered me. I remembered, of course, that the World's Series had been fixed in 1919, but if I had thought of it at all I …show more content…

Now, Tom’s money is from generations of his wealthy family, which had been passed on to him. Gatsby money is self-made wealth; he acquired his money by doing something for it. In the book they both show there wealth in different ways Tom does not show it as much as Gatsby. The wealth does make Tom thinking he is better than everyone by saying, “Now don’t think my opinion on these matters is final,” he seemed to say, “just because I’m a stronger and more of men than you are.”(Fitzgerald 7) It is showing that he thinks he is more important and knows more because he has money than the other people. Tom is very arrogant with his money and he lets better know about it in many ways. Even though Tom thought he was better than everyone he did not get his money by doing the things Gatsby has done. Jay Gatsby liked to show off his money by throwing big parties and having many cars (Fitzgerald). He wanted people to know that he had money and liked to entertain hoping one day Daisy would come to his party. Another reason that shows that Gatsby liked to show off his money is he threw those parties which added to the carelessness of the time with money (Novel guide). If Gatsby did not want people to know about his wealth he would not have had parties every week. Another quote that adds to Gatsby’s carelessness is, “Every Friday five crates of

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