Similarities Between To Build A Fire And The Interlopers

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Survival. That is the main theme in the two stories “To Build a Fire” and “The Interlopers”. “To Build a Fire” by Jack London is a short story about a man who is traveling through the freezing temperatures of the Yukon. He is unable to build and keep a fire going, so he eventually freezes to death. “The Interlopers” by Saki is a short story about two men who have been feuding over a piece of forest land all of their lives. One night they are trying to hunt each other down in the forest, and a tree falls on both of them. They think that their men are coming to save them, but the wolves come first and kill them. Both stories have a setting that sets the conflict and a similar mood, but have different symbols. In “To Build a Fire” and “The Interlopers”, the setting sets the conflict. In “To Build a Fire”, the setting is in an extremely cold environment, so the man is just trying to survive the cold. If it would have been a nice, warm environment, there would have been no conflict at all, and the man wouldn’t have froze to death. In “The Interlopers”, a tree falls on the two men and they are stuck with nowhere to go. In the same type of situation as the the man in “To Build a Fire”, if the tree wouldn’t have fallen on the two men, they wouldn’t have been killed by wolves. Both short stories have an important setting to them. …show more content…

“To Build a Fire” starts out by saying “Day had broken cold and gray, exceedingly cold and gray”. This sets the mood instantly that it is not going to be a very happy mood. “The Interlopers” begins with “In a forest of mixed growth somewhere on the eastern spurs of the Carpathians, a man stood one winter night watching and listening, as though he waited for some beast of the woods to come within the range of his vision, and, later, of his rifle.” Just like the other story, this story has a start like it is coming out of a horror movie. Each story has a very dark and gloomy

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