Similarities Between The Crucible And Dying

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Both of the stories are about how someone dies because the witnesses do not want to come forward to help the person that is dying. They don't want to help them till it is too late until the person is dead. There are several similars and differences in the crucible and the dying that no one helped. It is almost like the people did not care if the person died because it is not them so they don't care. But if it was them then they would want someone to help not just watch them die. It is almost like it does not affect them that someone just died in front of their face and they did not help to stop any of it. The similarities of the Crucible and the dying girl that no one helped is in both the stories they just let them die. Both the stories are true they did happen in real life. 16 people got murdered but the town. They had people that died and they did not care or at least they act like they did not care.They also both had witness but the witness did nothing to stop them from getting killed. It is almost like they did not care because they did not want to get in trouble or be blamed or something. …show more content…

Because then they think they would get in trouble. Also in the crucible 16 people died over a lie that just keep going on and on and on until they killed them. But in the story of the Dying girl that no One helped it happened in 1964. They had 38 witnesses that said nothing or did nothing to help the women that got murdered. One person got murdered while 38 other people watched. In this story only one person died. And the witnesses could have did something to try to help. Also while the girl was getting murdered they were playing monopoly and they did not want to end the game to help

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