Differences Between The Crucible Play And Movie

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The Crucible is a play that was written in 1952 by Arthur Miller. This play takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, where witch trials were held in 1692. Miller is able to combine nonfiction and fiction in order to make this story dramatic and entertaining. A few decades after The Crucible play was published, a movie version was released. There are various differences between the book and the movie version. The movie added various scenes, elaborated on others, as well as omitted some scenes. The movie expressed Arthur Miller’s book in a very dramatic and exaggerated way. It made the reader have a better understanding of some points in the book and emphasized ideas more clearly, such as jealousy and hysteria. The movie shows what actually occurs the night the girls went into the forest. Viewers do not have to wonder what actually occurred that night. The movie shows the girls dancing in the forest and putting objects in a pot in order to cast a spell over boys that they like. However, Abigail Williams changes the course of things by drinking blood as a charm to kill Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor’s wife. After this occurs, the girls go …show more content…

In the book, Miller describes how the same thing occurring in Salem, is occurring in Andover as well. This was not mentioned in the movie. In contrast, this scene in the book was mentioned to show that the people rebelled against the court. When Reverend Hale comes back from Andover, he fears that the same thing will happen in Salem. Because of this, Reverend Hale asks Elizabeth to convince Proctor to confess in front of other convicts so he would not only save his life, but maybe convince the others to save theirs. This scene was not mentioned in the movie so the focus of the story would remain in Salem. If the focus was brought to another area, it would have showed the situation occurring in Salem was

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