Similarities Between Russia And Louis Xiv

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Two of the greatest abolitionist rulers were Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia. Both of these rulers came in to power at a young age and transformed their countries into great European powers. King Louis XIV staged demonstrations of sovereignty by having a third of a mile in his castle, in Versailles, be filled with artwork celebrating religious triumphs and royal triumphs. His garden also had several statues of the Greek god Apollo to recall his claim of being the “sun king” of France. He often invited nobles to stay with him a part of the year and the magnificence of his court was supposed to keep them from disobedience and increased their social prestige by associating them with himself. He managed to force the nobles to depend on the crown but did not seek to undermine their superior place in society. Nobles were excluded from paying taxes so a lot of the burden fell on to the peasants. In addition to raising land taxes he also created new taxes. In 1662, he made a …show more content…

He encouraged the noblemen to cut their beards and sleeves; forbade them from spitting on the floor and eating with their fingers, encourage polite conversations, and had noblemen and women dress in western clothing for events such as weddings and banquets. He sent their children to western Europe to be educated and also hired thousands of western Europeans to staff academies, design the new buildings, and serve in the tsar’s army, navy, or administration. While the noble’s in Western Europe got special privileges it was the opposite in Russia. Everyone could be taxed and be summoned for military service. In 1722 he imposed the Table of Ranks that made the nobles work their way up from the lower landlord class to the highest military class. By doing this he forced them into a lifelong government service and had them earn their status. This also gave average people the chance to rise up in

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