Similarities Between Rome And Usa

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There’s a lot of differences and similarities between Rome and the United States. Here is some similarities.
Rome and Washington DC is built on seven hills. Rome was overcrowded and noisy by day much like New York and other popular cities. The cities were where the head Military and Government buildings would be located.
Both began with Kings. Rome had Kings until people started to distrust them. That was the start of the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic had Consuls, Senators, Tribunes, and Citizen Assembly. Consuls ran the government, and two were chosen each year. Senators were made up of three hundred patricians. Tribunes protected ordinary people from unfair treatment. There are usually ten Tribunes. Citizen Assembly is made up of adult males. Citizen Assembly is a council of Plebeians. In the United States, the President runs the government. Instead, of two Consuls we have one President. America was first a colony of Britain, so America began with the Kings of Britain. American rebel starting the revolutionary war.
The Romans were polytheistic. Their gods explained why things happen. They believed if something bad happened it was because they had upset that god. The Romans were tolerant of other religions expect Christianity. The Roman believed …show more content…

At the very top was the Patricians. The Patricians were great landowners. They were Rome’s ruling class. They could hold Government offices. The Plebeians were the middle group. The Plebeians were less wealthy landowners. They were mostly crafts people, merchants, and small farmers. They could not hold Government offices. Both Patricians and Plebeians that were men and citizens could vote. Romans could not marry out of their social structure. In the United States, everyone can vote but you must be 18 and older. You also must be a citizen and registered. You can marry out of your social structure in America, making it possible for you to more up in social

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