Similarities Between Pride And Prejudice And A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Throughout the works of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the themes of marriage and love are developed through the complexity of the situations that the characters encounter with one another. In Pride and Prejudice, the Bennet girls feel a pressure by society to find a man and get married by a certain age and that is simply how life is supposed to go for these young women. The women’s desires to settle are for the sole purpose of security and this can lead to unhappiness in a marriage of convenience. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the characters feel real true love and want to marry for the sole purpose of being together for the rest of their lives. This contrast of motives for marriage ultimately leads to a contention with a partner or love affair that will last a lifetime. Although the desire to marry in Pride and Prejudice may often lead to a dull relationship, the fairy world of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is not present and able to allow for everything to work out, therefore, Austen does a superior job at showing …show more content…

Although her father wants her to marry Demetrius and that causes conflict, Lysander and she have a relationship that they want to become a marriage. This initial passion and love is in contrast to Austen’s views of finding love after marriage and not marrying due to love. Despite their love, this alternate world of fairies leads to the ability to make everything go as need be. For example, although Puck mixes up and puts love potions on the wrong people, the ability to make someone fall in love is a possibility that is not present in real life or in Austen’s work. This world of fairies and potions allows for everything to work out in the end not due to actual human interaction, but because of magic. Because this power is not present in Pride and Prejudice, marriages like the Collins’ continue with lack of love or true

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