Similarities Between Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X

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The civil rights movement in America contains two transformational figures; one being Martin Luther King Jr., who preached the message of love and unity between blacks and whites. However, on the opposite end, Malcolm X used messages laced with fear and separatism. Nevertheless, both sought the same goal of racial justice for blacks in the United States. This paper will explore the opposite viewpoints of these two pivotal figures and how they separately and unwittingly complemented each other to achieve the overall goal of racial justice. King and X differed on the tactics used in the pursuit of racial equality. King sought to pacify whites so that blacks would not be regarded as a threat versus X’s implications of violence; thus King sought …show more content…

Additionally, King does not seek to label all whites as the problem and is precise in his address, assigning blame to individuals as Commissioner of Public Safety Eugene “Bull” Conner and Mayor Alber Boutwell. Conversely, X uses the term white man in repetition as to foster us against them mentality, not that the blacks in that era needed any further justification X sought to put a name to the black struggle, to name the monster under the bed and it is the white man. In the opposite fashion, King saw the lynchpin to black civil rights struggle as moderate white and Christian whites. Thus, X exacerbates the discord between whites and blacks with the generalization that all whites are evil which may be attributed by the black superiority ideology of the Nation of …show more content…

While not necessarily at odds over what needed to be done, it is the how that was being called into question. X called for the selective use of the black vote, noting that in several voting districts the black vote would be the deciding vote subsequently giving blacks voting power while at the same time he admonishing them that the white man is plotting to steal their vote and that they are were trying to dilute their vote by gerrymandering. Some would say the X is a realist that he is preparing his people for the harsh realities of the civil right movement yet King finds a way to prepare his people but gives them hope for a new day. X provides his audience with the means of power; the black vote than in the same breath says the white man has made it null and void, clearly then the mantra “A ballot is like a bullet. You don't throw your ballots until you see a target, and if that target is not within your reach, keep your ballot in your pocket.” is a play on words and is meant to threaten as much as it is meant to inform. Subsequently, X expounds on the notion that American cannot win a guerilla war and certainly cannot win one against people of color. Additionally, X proclaims “There’s a new strategy coming. It’ll be Molotov cocktails this month, hand grenades next month, and something else next

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