Similarities Between John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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In this chapter, when Lennie says George is ¨nice¨ and that he wont be mean. I think he is correct because George at the beginning never had hurt him they were good friends. Lennie killed Carlson's wife and a dog but even though that happened George was still a good friend. Then when George shoots Lennie in the back of his head, George did the correct thing because it was for Lennies own good so wouldn't keep doing and harm to other people. If George had not killed Lennie, Lennie would of been in jail or Slim or Carlson would of killed him but they would also hurt him at the same time so Lennie would of died in pain. George also did it because Lennie would have been suffering or they would have sent him to an insane asylum where he would have

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