Similarities Between Hitler And Nazi Segregation

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Throughout history there have been many cases of segregation. Two of the most known cases of segregation are the discrimination of blacks in the U.S and the treatment of the jewish in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler. Although both have many differences they also share many similarities.
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and was the dictator of Germany from 1934 to 1945. As a child, Adolf Hitler was abused by his dad Alois Hitler. On the other hand Adolf’s mother, Klara Hitler, was loving and caring towards him. Klara Hitler often tried to protect Adolf from regular beatings from his dad, Alois. Hitler rose into power largely because of Germany’s damaged economy. He took advantage of people’s fears at the time and acted as a rallying point for the distraught people of Germany. He would talk about making Germany great again and used Jewish people as a sort of scapegoat for all of Germany’s problems. By giving people this hope Hitler was eventually able to get complete control of Germany.
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or the Nazi party, promoted german pride and anti-semitism. The Nazi party gained a lot of popularity during the Great …show more content…

Because of this Jewish people and African-American people went through many of the same hardships. Both Jews and African Americans were blamed for society’s troubles and therefore laws were made against them. Most of these laws were made to separate Jews and Blacks from their respective communities. Two examples of these are Jim Crow Laws and First Decree to the Reich Citizenship Law. Jim Crow Laws were a series of laws that restricted African-American rights. Whatever the case African-Americans had to be separate from whites. On the other hand the First Decree to the Reich Citizenship Law, made it so that no Jewish person could even become a citizen. There were also a lot of deaths through the forms of lynching and internment

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