Similarities Between Blackfish And Jurassic World

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Pets are a key component of society today. From fish to dogs, to the few who have pet tigers, humans have normalized the practice of domesticating other species. Although society has accepted this practice, the question of whether or not it is morally right remains unanswered. Blackfish, directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite, opens up the conversation by revealing the atrocities of SeaWorld, an amusement park that features captured and domesticated whales. The release of Jurassic World, directed by Colin Trevorrow, follows a few years later. With many parallels between the Indominus Rex in Jurassic World and Tilikum in Blackfish, Jurassic World acts as a response in agreement with Blackfish. Jurassic World criticizes animal domestication by …show more content…

Both are the biggest, flashiest creature of their respective kinds, and each possesses dangerous traits that their controllers ignore for profit. Jurassic World is, essentially, Blackfish presented on a different platform. Using fiction instead of a documentary, Jurassic World is critiquing the ethics of animal domestication. The key difference is that Jurassic World’s criticism is towards animal captivity as a whole, whereas Blackfish focuses on SeaWorld and parks of that nature specifically. Another important note is that Jurassic World utilizes hyperbole so that the viewer cannot overlook the problem it is addressing, while Blackfish does not. Since Cowperthwaite does not focus on animal domestication as a whole, and bases the film in reality, the truth is enough of an argument for its case. Together, however, Blackfish and Jurassic World emphasize not only that keeping animals in captivity is ethically wrong, but that specific practices within animal domestication are dangerous and that humans are naïve to the how little control they have over the creatures they call …show more content…

By using dinosaurs instead of dogs, the problems which can be brushed over now become unavoidable. While a dog may bite, a dinosaur will kill. That being said, this message could be overlooked if Jurassic World was standing alone because dinosaurs are stereotypically violent. However, Jurassic World crafts a response to Blackfish, which describes the harms of domestication in an animal that is not typically portrayed as violent: whales. Blackfish examines the environment of the whales at SeaWorld while primarily focusing on the outcome. The whales take out their frustration, specifically from being separated from their families, on the trainers in aggressive manners that even lead to death. Jurassic World’s Indominus Rex symbolizes Tilikum, but also represents the nightmarish potential that could result from any domestication practices. The two movies pair together to convey one message: that animal domestication and the practices within it are ethically immoral. While Jurassic World covers the magnitude of the issue, it relies on Blackfish to make its argument

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