Similarities Between Animal Farm And The Russian Revolution

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One simple idea can spark a whole era. One incident can show people that there needs to be a change. The Russian Revolution was started because of several incidents. The citizens, mostly lower class, were abandoned by the government. Animal Farm’s rebellion was caused by the neglect the animals endured under the leadership of their farmer. The purpose of Animal Farm was to denounce the way communism was executed in the Soviet Union. Animal Farm mirrors The Russian Revolutions, its events and characters are parallel. Animal Farm storyline is an imitation of the events leading up to The Russian Revolution and then to the Stalinist era. When Animal Farm was published it thought to be about Stalinist Russia. Not only does this related to the Russian …show more content…

A large group of workers marched to the Tsar’s palace and presented a petition. The petition was to fight for better working conditions. The soldier shot at the workers, wounding and killing many of them. This day became known as Bloody Sunday. In 1914, the Russians and Germans started World War 1 (WW1). The working class and peasant men formed a large army. Many peasants were sent in without shoes, food, or weapons. In the next three years nearly two millions soldiers were killed and over five million were injured. The Russian people blamed the Tsar for all the deaths, since he was the one who sent them in. February of 1917 was when the people first revolted. Several workers banded together and started a riot. The Tsar, called the army to tame the rioters. Instead of doing as told, they turned against Nicholas II. They refused to fire at the Russian people. After rioting for several days, the Tsar was forced to give up his throne. The new government, that was made up of two political parties: the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Government. In the course of the next months, Russia was split into two groups that ruled. The Petrograd Soviet represented the workers and soldiers and the Provisional Government made up the government without the Tsar. One of the main branches of the Petrograd Soviet was a group called the Bolsheviks. Their leader was Vladimir Lenin, believed that Russia should be …show more content…

Old Major, one of the old pigs on the farm, encourage the other animals to rebel. His main idea is for everyone to be equal. Old Major does not live to hs dreams carried out. The pigs take lead in forming this rebellion. Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer made Old Major’s ideas into a concept called Animalism. One night, the animals formed an army and ran Mr. Jones off his farm. Manor Farm is then renamed Animal Farm and the Seven Commandments of Animal Farm are written on the barn’s wall. Napoleon became a megalomaniac leader, who wanted to lead Animal Farm. Squealer is his second in command, persuading the others animals that the pigs “are always

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