Similarities Between Animal Farm And Khrushchev

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Two Opposites in One World While Nikita S. Khrushchev and Napoleon the pig both believe in the upsides and simplicity of communist dictatorship, the metaphorical depictions represented by Napoleon in the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell represents the future actions of Nikita S. Khrushchev. Although Napoleon’s are just only in a novel, Nikita Khrushchev and Napoleon are technically of the same time period. Napoleon is just a metaphorical representation of the former “president” of Russian, Joseph Stalin. Napoleon has laws and policies that are completely opposite to those of Khrushchev. On the same note, the cruelties both have are also completely different, but they had the same ideas and obstacles when it comes to rising to power. Nothing differs between the way Napoleon has risen to power and the approach Khrushchev takes during his rise to power. In 1929 for example, Khrushchev gained the permission to visit Moscow …show more content…

In the year 1959, Khrushchev announced that there would be a peaceful rivalry between the Communists and the Western countries (Abachi & Gilmore 2). This “peaceful rivalry” is what is noted as the Cold War. The Cold War was started by the jealousy of the Russians. Also, Khrushchev spent most of his career fixed on the advancement of the Soviet Space program. This was to show superiority over the Western countries (Abachi & Gilmore 2). The Russians were the first ones to go into space. This was based solely on the race to gain “superiority”. On the other hand, Napoleon thought differently. Napoleon spent most of his work time making the pigs lives better than the other animals, and creating the windmill “he designed” (Orwell 70). He allows the pigs to sleep in beds by changing the commandments, and making large excuses. He also made the other animals do most of the work, while the pigs did the

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