Similarities Between Alice In Wonderland And Through The Looking Glass

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Childhood Adventures In Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan both Wendy and Alice show signs of maturity by Alice going through her adventure, and Wendy becoming a motherly figure and leaving Neverland to go home. Along Alice's adventure she realizes things are not normal, becomes queen, and stops crying like a child. Wendy cares for the lost boys, realizing she must leave, and forgets Neverland. In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Alice shows signs of maturity by seeing the characters in wonderland as odd and being motherly, by becoming the queen in Looking Glass land, and forcing herself to stop crying over her childish actions. …show more content…

A child would be intrigued by the fact the cat was smiling, but to Alice it was out of the ordinary and a mature adult would feel the same way. An example of Alice being a motherly figure is when she sees the baby struggling to breath and coughing from the pepper filled house. The cook was throwing pans at the small child and it's mother did not care. 'If I don't take this child away with me, they're sure to kill it in a day or two: wouldn't it be murder to leave it behind?' (Carroll 75) Alice took the child from the harsh environment and started to care for it in the way it's mother should have showing a mature side of Alice. In Looking Glass Land Alice is faced with the challenge of becoming Queen Alice. She must pass through different parts of the land to become the queen. Alice becoming the queen can symbolize her finally becoming an adult because a queen is seen as being a person of high standings. With Alice taking the journey to becoming queen, it symbolizes her maturing and taking the steps needed to become an adult or queen in this instance. A third example of Alice maturing is when she starts crying because

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