Sigmund Freud's Method and Theory of Dream Analysis

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I wrote this paper to get a better understanding of Sigmund Freud’s method and theory of dream analysis. The purpose of the paper will be to show the principals of Freud’s dream related theory that focuses on the physiology, interpretation, and psychology of dreams and to explain concepts such as latent and manifest content of dreams, the part of unconscious process, and the nature of dreams role in the determination of dream content. I would like to explore Sigmund Freud’s explanations of psycho-analytic and psychological theory and method to reveal whether Freud’s continuous revising to sexually based conclusions are able to support his own arguments. One of his themes was the amount of activity that goes on in our brains without us even realizing it is happening. Freud studied dreams looking for a better understanding of certain features of our personalities, mainly the features that developed into disorders and psychological problems. He believed nothing a human being did, could happen by chance, and every action, if it was big or small, was in some way motivated by the unconscious mind.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was the developer of psychoanalysis. His work created psychoanalytic views of human nature. He interpreted the individuality as a closed energy method, made up of conscious and unconscious parts, defense systems, unconscious instincts, anxieties, and biological drives. Biological instincts and childhood experiences determine who a person will be. Therefore human nature was seen as biologically driven and determined, instead of a combination of learned behaviors to be exploited or a certain possibility for self-actualization.

Our dreams are cognitive experiences that happen during sleep, fr...

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...ill being used by some psychologists and dream researchers today.

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Publications: Book Reviews

Review of Freud’s Technique Papers: A Contemporary Perspective

Michelle Presniak and Michael Wm. MacGregor, Fall 2004 © Division of

Psychoanalysis Association1999-2005 Book Reviews are Copyright 2002-2005

Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)

Tony Crisp Discussion Forum: Sigmund Freud Copyright © 1999-2010 Tony Crisp | All rights reserved

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