Should We Not Celebrate Christopher Columbus Day?

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Christopher Columbus was considered the “Greatest explorer of all time”. Yet he was also accused of ending the Native Americans future. Although some people like him, some people don’t. But the biggest, and most argued question has to be, “should we or should we not celebrate Christopher Columbus day”? In spite of my opinion people will disagree with me, but I personally believe that this great explorer should be celebrated in American and European culture because he was a man of his time, beat the highest odds, and has had a permanent effect on our world.
One reason he should be celebrated, is because Christopher Columbus was a man of his time. His achievements are outstanding. (Pro, Con). According to James Barlow (Ddocument 2), Christopher Columbus discovered the new world, spread wealth though the old world and as a result the new civilizations grew. This shows that Furthermore, he was incredibly smart for his day and age. In fact, Mr. James Barlow (Ddocument 2) additionally states that Christopher Columbus had great proficiency in geography, astronomy and drawing. Likewise, he served in the Portugal service and had great courage and preservation. …show more content…

Warren Carroll explains that the definition of discovery means, “when an individual or a nation finds something or someone or some people or some places of special importance, not previously known to them”. (Ddocument 7) Which is why Europeans, Polynesians, and the Ssouth Pacific are the only true discoverers in all of time; they sailed the world, discovering, trading and colonizing with people. In addition, Warren Carroll (Ddocument 7) adds that Columbus was the only man to ever to “¨set off directly across a broad, unknown sea with no specific knowledge of how far it extended or what lay on the other side”¨. He accomplished more than anyone, and in addition, did it with the highest

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