Should The Titanic Have Been Prevented

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Life is unpredictable at times and anything can happen at any moment . But its up to you to make sure whatever your doing does not cause harm to you, your family, or the people around you. The reason these disasters are considered man-made disasters is because of poor judgement, poor research, or poor construction. In the first passage the Titanic is the is the largest ship in the world which means extra precaution is needed when the ship is on water. The ship's staff failed to provide that which caused the ship to sink on April 14th by striking an iceberg. There are many ways this incident could of been avoided. As it is stated in the passage "If they had binoculars, the ship's lookout might have been able to see the iceberg." This small error could have saved the the ship from sinking alone, but since they cut the officer who had the key to the room the binoculars were in, they were not able to receive them. Another error the crew had was lack of communication. As it is stated in the passage "The Titanic's senior radio operator failed to pass the warning on to the captain, interpreting the messages as non-urgent." If the senior radio operator was not thinking about what …show more content…

Even though this is around winter time they still should have had did proper research on how much heat the faulty storage tank could take. Another reason the tank could have exploded is because of poor reconstruction. As it is stated in the passage "Some said that the tank had been built in a hurry and had faults in its design. After the tank leaked, company officials had it repainted a brown color to conceal the leaking molasses." This poor act of fixing a leak could of cause a numerous things to happen, brown probably was the wrong color to paint the tank during that time. The only thing the company officials wanted to do was save money and a disaster was

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