Should Teens Be Able To Bring Cell Phones In School?

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The 21st Century has been ruled by electronic devices. From iPads to Chromebooks, technology can be found in almost every household across the United States. One piece of technology has always been the most popular of all. That piece of technology is the cellular telephone. According to an article written by Monica Anderson titled Technology Device Ownership: 2015 states that roughly every 9 out of 10 american adults own a cell phone. While 73% of teens have access to a smartphone, the starting age of having a personal cell phone is getting younger each year. When it comes to teens, however, they take their phones everywhere they go. Here is where the problem starts. There is a certain topic under fire regarding teens bringing their phones to school. Some choose to believe how adolescents do not have the self-control to use their cell phones while attending school. While this may be true, there are many more positives to bringing a cellular device to a classroom. Students should be able to bring their cell phones to class because of the ease of searching a topic, the use of it during emergencies, and how smartphones allow for social learning. …show more content…

Moving with society, education is transforming into something that can be accessed anywhere. Students can use their own cell phones to search anything almost instantly with the help of search engines. Just imagine how this could help any struggling student with their work. However, some disagree by saying that cell phones could be used to cheat during tests and other assessments. While this is a fair point, this an easily be solved. Teachers can make their students set down their phones at the front of the classroom, and can let them pick them up after the test is over. While this is not a perfect system, the worry of students cheating is

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