Should Students Carry Concealed Handguns On Campus?

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Universities should allow students to carry concealed handguns on campus. The Increasing rates of crime in schools have become a big concern in the society especially after the recent school shootings in the United States. This has led to a debate as to whether teachers and school administrators should be armed while in class so that such incidences are prevented. But on a college campus students should be granted that same privilege as well. In particular, JSU is an open campus, in the middle of a low class area. Therefore, campus crime, burglaries, robberies, etc. happens at any given time no matter where you are, so I feel like it’s not a bad idea to be able to protect yourself. In a spring 2017 U.S. News survey, 103 colleges and universities reported that they allow …show more content…

There aren’t enough security and surveillance cameras to protect everyone. Campus police can’t even be everywhere at once, no matter how many guards on duty. Just say, if there is an active shooter on campus, a student with a concealed weapon can intervene and save lives. In October of 2008, a student at the University of Arizona shot two intruders in self defense. Moreover, there are numerous accounts and reports of sexual assault on college campuses that have surged dramatically in the past 15 years, according to a new federal study. Just because the school has rules stating it is a Gun-Free zone doesn’t mean criminals can’t and won’t act on a PUBLIC school campus. That is considered free game for them to do whatever it is that they desire without possible hurt. Most times, help comes after an incident happens rather than there during the incident, which is pointless. Awareness is not the same as the readiness the students will have. Meaning, it’s clear that campus police and surveillances are there as a sign of awareness, but that will never top the readiness students have if they are self

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