Should Students Be Able To Graduate Early From High School

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Should students be able to graduate early from high school? There is always the debate on whether young adults are ready for the entire real world so young or not. Some school districts offer programs that allow high school students to graduate in three years instead of the traditional four years. Most students who follow this plan must take courses during the summers or in the evenings or may not be able to take elective courses. Is it a good idea for students to finish high school in three years and enter college or the work force one year early? One good thing is graduating early. The sooner that you graduate from high school the sooner you go into college. Graduating early takes a lot of time and more effort in order to graduate early. Some students put a lot of time into extra classes during the night and in summer school. Some young men and women want to join the service and by getting out of high school young they are able to do that even sooner. There are many advantages to graduating early it just depends on the person. Some young adults want to just grow up really quick and start their …show more content…

Being so young there are disadvantages to things like not being ready for responsibilities still. Young adults find it hard to be in the real world at eight-teen, so it probably makes it even harder being younger than eight-teen. There are many disadvantages to being so young in the world, and you might not find it all that you expected it to be. Young people find it hard to have a job and to pay bills they need to pay with being an adult. Young people struggle the most in the world by themselves. The disadvantages of being out of high school early is the fact you have to grow up, pay bills, get a job, some support families, being out of your parent’s house and many other things. Some jobs young adults cannot get until they are eight-teen or they have so many years in the school

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