Should School Uniforms Be Paid?

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Since the 1960’s there has been an argument of whether or not schools should require uniforms while attending. While I do agree with some of the motives behind school uniforms, I believe that school uniforms are a violation of freedom of expression as well as a requirement that people cannot always fulfill. I do understand the classic outlook that schools try to accomplish when they set uniforms as a mandatory. However, you can’t expect everyone to be the same, so you can’t expect to find an outfit that everyone will like to wear. Take girls for example, there are girls who love to wear dresses and jewelry, but what if we make a uniform with a skirt? The girls who normally wear jeans would protest. If we were to satisfy their needs and make the uniform jeans, the girls who like dresses would rebel from lack of style. It’s not just girls either! I’ve met boys who refuse to wear business attire, and other boys who will wear nothing but business attire. There is no way the school can account for every person and if they don’t then a student might feel forced to wear something that they might protest to. As Charles Lane writes, “The federal judiciary does many things well. Writing high school dress codes is not one of them” (Lane) Lane also agrees in …show more content…

I feel this is ineffective due to the different sizes and shapes of individuals. What will happen to the student who is the tallest to attend the school. He will have no uniform already made for him and could possibly have no funds to pay for a new one. If the school were to just pay for his then it would be unfair to the other students who must pay for theirs when they don’t have the funds either. Even if they were to reuse the uniforms and have all students fit the last years student’s sizes, there is the problem of ware and tare. Over time those uniforms would get holes and fade, some might even be disgusting if not taken care of

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