Should School Uniforms Be Paid?

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School uniforms became popular after several incidents of violence involving teens and items of clothing made headlines in the 1990s. Former President Bill Clinton instructed the Department of Education to issue policy manuals to schools nationwide on how to safely institute a uniform policy.
Some schools require students to wear uniforms while others do not. 16% of all the public schools in the United States required students to wear uniforms. In addition, 54% enforce a strict dress code. School uniforms are known to consist of khakis, long skirts, and polo shirts. They can even go as far as only certain colors can be worn, such as, blue and red. School uniforms should not be required because they are excessive and limit students from showing their freedom of expression.
School uniforms can be way over the top. Some girls feel self conscious about wearing skirts.
Forcing a girl to wear a skirt will tear her self esteem apart. That young lady may feel very exposed to the world by being forced to wear a skirt. This can always be distracting to young men as well. By trying to limit the distraction, you are just creating another distraction.
Also, Some school uniform policies are gender bias. This just means that young ladies have to wear …show more content…

Clothing is the main way students express themselves. Wearing a uniform limits this freedom tremendously. They can not wear their favorite band shirts to school or simply their favorite blouse. They can not wear their favorite jersey when their football team wins. They can not even wear their favorite outfit that makes them feel confident and proud. By limiting their freedom, students become shy and insecure in their bodies. How can a student focus on their academics if they are insecure and hate going to school? A survey taken in Nevada showed that 90% of students hated going to school because they did not like wearing the

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