Should Romeo And Juliet Let The Love Die

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Romeo & Juliet, Should We Let The Love Die? There has been a lot of debate on whether William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet should be kept in the 9th grade high school curriculum. Some say that Romeo and Juliet is a little too heavy for young readers. Is the strong bond between these two lovers too much for 14 year olds to understand? Also, there is the question of whether or not 9th graders can even decipher the play in a way that makes sense to them. However, some people say that Shakespeare is important for the younger generation to learn about. It can be argued that the negative sides of Romeo and Juliet such as lost love, feuding with family and ending violence that is included in the play shows students the consequences of judging too quickly, also what can happen if they were to rebel. There is also the fact that Romeo and Juliet teaches kids new vocabulary and how to read 15th century …show more content…

The last tragedy of the play was the effect of not knowing all the facts before an act was taken. Alexandra Petri suggested to “check your messages before ingesting poison”, this was true in Romeo and Juliet (416). If Friar Lawrence’s messenger would have made it to Romeo in time, Romeo would not have killed himself. Alexandra Petri claims that “misunderstandings and missed communications now come in entirely different flavors”, even though the play is from a different century, it is still understood what happened because of the miscommunication between Romeo and Juliet (414). Because of one moment of miscommunication, everything was ruined for them. It is a good lesson for young students to learn, not only does it prove that it is important to get all the facts before jumping to conclusions, it also shows how sad and final death is. The play is a good example for students on how to not deal with heartbreak and sadness because death is final and does not fix

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